Failed attempt at Laguna Churup (Peru)

Hi !

Unlike John “Anibal” Smith of the A-Team, my plans don’t always come together.

We were all pumped about doing the Laguna Churup trail, even though there was some rock climbing involved, something we weren’t really comfortable with. The weather was looking good when we left, just slightly overcast, which would mean we would not cook under the sun all the way up there. We were so confident we added an extra 8km (to go from the hostel to the park entry and back).

When we started the rock climbing part, the weather actually turned bad, cold and wet, something I wasn’t really prepared to face, and ended having to turn back before reaching the lake at some 4450m (we were maybe 10 minutes from it), when the snow became severe. The worst part was to climb done on wet slippery stones, trying to reach for snow covered ropes… even though we were able to do it without any injuries.

Two lessons learnt on that day: avoid what you are not comfortable with and bring more layers to adjust for the weather.

Enjoy (or not) and stay tuned !